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Video : The Key Ceremony and The Firing of the Signal Cannon, Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, South Africa

Video : Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, South Africa
-The Key Ceremony and The Firing of the Signal Cannon


 Built between 1666 and 1679 by the Dutch East India Company (VOC - Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in Dutch) as a maritime replenishment station, the Castle of Good Hope (Afrikaans: Kasteel die Goeie Hoop) is the oldest surviving colonial building in South Africa. The purpose of the Dutch settlement in the Cape was to act as a replenishment station for ships passing the treacherous coast around the Cape on long voyages between the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) From 1678 it was the centre of civilian, administrative and military life at the Cape, until the settlement grew and some functions and activities moved away from the Castle. The Castle was never attacked. Various people have indicated that they have seen ghosts at the Castle. Today the Castle is the seat of the military in the Cape, and houses the Castle Military Museum and Iziko Museums of Cape Town (William Fehr Collection). The Key Ceremony is performed Weekdays at 10h00 and 12h00, followed by the firing of the Signal Cannon.

 Film : la cérémonie de la clé, Tir et coup de canon miniature, Fort de Bonne-Espérance, Le Cap, Afrique du Sud Le Fort ou Château de Bonne-Espérance, Le Cap, Afrique du Sud Bâti par la Compagnie néerlandaise des Indes orientales (VOC - Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie en néerlandais) entre 1666 et 1679, c'est le plus ancien édifice colonial d'Afrique du Sud. Le but de ces deux ouvrages était de servir de station de relai et de réapprovisionnement pour les bateaux effectuant le voyage entre les Provinces-Unies et les Indes orientales néerlandaises. Il abrite désormais de nos jours le Castle Military Museum et des infrastructures pour les Traditional Cape Regiments La cérémonie de la clé a lieu tous les jours à 10 heures suivi de la relève de la garde et du tir de canon (miniature) à 12 heures.

 Castle of Good Hope Location in Cape Town :